Improve hearing

Tips and exercises for a better listening experience

Our hearing has a decisive influence on our lives. It enables us to understand what is being said, have conversations, gain information and knowledge and learn new things. What's more, our hearing is an important factor for our safety, for example in road traffic, in dangerous situations, etc. Finally, good hearing contributes to our quality of life by enabling us to enjoy music and other sounds that promote our emotional well-being.

All these things are good arguments for protecting your hearing as much as possible and, if you already have hearing loss, improving it. But is that even possible? And if so, how? Find out more below.

Prevention of hearing loss

Our hearing is very sensitive. That's why it's better to be safe than sorry. To ensure that you hear well for as long as possible, prevention of hearing loss is the be-all and end-all. This includes, for example

Protection from loud noises

Protect your hearing from loud sounds and noise. Excessively loud music, construction noise etc. can significantly damage your hearing. For this reason, you should avoid these sources of noise at all costs. If this is not possible, you should use suitable hearing protection. This includes noise protection headphones and earplugs, for example.

healthy nutrition

A balanced diet can help keep your hearing healthy in the long term. Some nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc are particularly important for hearing health. They can reduce inflammation, improve blood flow in the inner ear and support the overall health of the auditory nerve.

Regularly check your hearing ability

To make sure that your hearing has not deteriorated, you should have a hearing test regularly. Our online hearing test will give you an initial impression of whether you have problems understanding speech against background noise. For a professional hearing test, we recommend visiting an ENT specialist or hearing acoustician.

Exercises and techniques to improve hearing

Have you noticed that your hearing has deteriorated recently? Then the most important thing to do first is to clarify the causes with the help of a doctor. Hearing problems do not always automatically mean hearing loss or impending hearing loss, but they should be clarified immediately so that they do not become chronic.

If you still suffer from hearing problems, there are various exercises and techniques to improve your hearing. These include, for example

Auditory exercises

Music, audio plays and audio books can help to improve auditory perception. For example, try to identify the sounds of nature or listen to and analyze music, try to understand texts or recognize instruments.


Hearing with hearing problems also means increased effort and stress. You should therefore relax regularly. Try meditation and mindfulness exercises. Various memory training exercises can also help to improve your hearing.


Sport supports our health and balance - always in the right measure, of course. Yoga, for example, can promote balance, which in turn is closely linked to our ears.

hearing training

Special hearing training can help to improve brain function and speech comprehension. This includes exercises for speech comprehension or directional hearing. This hearing training can be done as part of professional audiotherapy or, in some cases, with the help of apps and software.

Medical and technological support

In addition to various exercises or behavioral tips that you can use to improve your hearing, there are now a variety of technical solutions that are designed to improve hearing or make everyday life easier for people with hearing loss. These include, for example

Hearing aids and implants

Hearing aids are sometimes individually adapted to the specific needs of people with hearing loss. It is important to choose the right device, from in-ear or in-the-ear hearing aids to cochlear implants. Modern hearing aids today offer many other advantages, such as noise suppression, special settings for watching television, etc.

Modern technologies and apps

Today, modern technologies can improve hearing in many areas. In addition to hearing aids, these include, for example TV hearing amplifiers or chin-strap headphones, special telephones for the hard of hearing and many different apps that amplify the volume, for example. AI (artificial intelligence) is also playing an increasingly important role here.

Frequently asked questions about improving hearing